Sunday, April 15, 2012

Types of Camera

SLR (Single Lens Reflex)

SLR is named of single lens reflex because of it is only can mount for one lens only but it is exchangeable for different kind of lens. SLR is a camera where it uses a mirror system and prisms (light reflection) that allow a photographer to see through in viewfinder what he or she will capture.
In viewfinder, it won't show the exact photo that will capture. It might will over expose, under expose, blur and others effect.

There are two types of SLR:
1. Film
2. Digital

For now, most of the people are using DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex). DSLR is more professional used because of it can be setting to what effect they want to capture. 35mm SLR cameras is mean that the camera are using 35 mm width film.

Example of SLR

Nikon FM10

Example of DSLR

Nikon D60

Twin Lens ReflexTwin lens reflex normally consist of two equally constructed lenses with equal focal length and equal "speed". They are mounted in the front of the case, and their focusing is synchronized so that they are always focused on the same distance. The difference is that the one lens projects the incoming image via mirror up to the reflex finder's ground glass whilst the other lens projects the image into the camera's dark chamber onto the film plane. The camera lens can be stopped down whilst the finder lens is always at maximum aperture.

The scene viewed by the top lens (the viewing lens) is reflected by a mirror onto the ground glass screen so that the image seen on the ground glass is back to front (left is right, right is left) which can take some time for getting used to.
The bottom lens (the taking lens) exposes the film. This means that, unlike SLR cameras, the viewed image is not exactly the same as the image recorded on the film — the difference being the distance between the centre of the viewing lens and the centre of the taking lens. This discrepancy is known as parallax error, which can be corrected by lifting the camera until the taking lens is as high as the viewing lens was when the image was composed.
Example of Twin Lens Reflex

Rangefinder camera are camera focus using some sort of coincident-viewing distance-determination mechanism, called a rangefinder. The most common form, as used in cameras like the Leica and other classic small 35mm cameras, is to use a prism and mirror arrangement between two viewing windows.

Example of Rangefinder

Lomo is short form of Leningradskoye Optiko-Mechanichhesckoye Obyedinenie. Lomo camera is using film. LOMO is an analogue photography where it save in film and it cannot be edit while modern photography is using digital photography where it using memory card and it can be edit.

Michail Panfilowitsch Panfiloff id the person who create lomography after he got a camera. He is very important in LOMO Russian Army and Optical.

There are many kind of LOMO camera:

Lomographic ActionSampler, Lomographic Colorsplash kamera, Lomographic Fisheye Camera, Lomographic Frogeye Underwater, Lomographic Oktomat and Lomographic Pop 9

Example of LOMO camera:

Compact Camera

Compact camera also as known as point and shoot camera. It is small and light. It very convenient to bring it out. Compact camera will auto focus, auto setting for exposure and it have built in flash on it. Compact camera is totally automatically will setting for the user.

Example of Compact Camera

Digital Camera

Digital camera are slightly alike as compact camera. It also small and easy to use and bring. The difference between compact camera is digital camera can automatically or semi- automatic control by the user but compact camera just got auto mode.

Example of Digital Camera

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